What a day it was yesterday. After a lovely evening celebrating with friends for my 35th birthday, I was overcome with sadness at the news of the death of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.
Charlie’s Angels was one of my favorite shows as a child- one of the few my mother would let me watch. I remember the days of climbing on chairs and jumping off them trying to emulate her and Linda Carter. Farrah was very brave in coming forward with her fight against cancer, and I think the criticism of her for doing so has been rather unjust.
As far as Michael goes- I’ve always remained divided. While I enjoy his music, I am not a fan of his personal antics and very much to this day believe he was guilty of molesting children even when acquitted. Nonetheless, he was a very rare talent but troubled soul and was tormented by the media hoopla. Nobody deserves to be harassed like that, and I believe a lot of the attention he received hurt him more than helped.
May these two iconic figures rest in peace and their suffering behind them.
i'm glad michael was FINALLY laid to rest the other day after more than two months after his death.
he was both a talented and tortured soul. like elvis and marilyn, i had a feeling he would die young (and yes, 50 IS young).
as for farrah, i came to respect her as a true actress after seeing her performances in Extremities and The Burning Bed.
it was beyond heartbreaking watching her suffer so much in her documentary Farrah's Story, which chronicled her battle against cancer. i'm glad she's not suffering anymore.
RIP to both.
Yes, I am glad they are at peace too. I hope they nail that Doctor. The media debating who fathered his children is awful. Biological or not- he's the only Father they have ever known. They need to leave the family the fuck a lone.
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