I do not subscribe to the philosophy that the crime of rape, childhood sexual abuse, incest, or domestic violence is forgivable.
I do not subscribe to the philosophy that because one has gone through any one of the above that this = free right of passage to inflict such heinous abuse on others.
Chris Brown’s apology to his former girlfriend comes a little too late for me, but one I never would have found acceptable in the first place. It saddens me that people have no ability to see how their selfish actions can affect others.
The hell I live with every day from all combined of my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Rape Trauma Syndrome, and my Anorexia are no picnic to live with. I can’t chop a tomato, grill a chicken breast, or boil pasta and if the phone rings, not jump without burning or cutting myself- all injuries unintentional. I’ve been through enough pain- no need to inflict anymore on myself, even though I know many people with my experiences embrace the practice of self harm. I am not one of them.
I have friends who understand my phobias with my PTSD, my ED, and then I have ones who are not so compassionate- one I cut the ribbon off with last week. I am not perfect, but neither is she.
I employ help for my shortcomings. Does she? The answer is no and she has quite a few of her own.
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