I have heard every argument about this couple to last me a lifetime. She shops too much, travels too much, exploits our kids, etc.
He is a womanizing flirt and dirty rotten scoundrel.
ENOUGH ALREADY of Jon and Kate!!!
If you ask me, I think they are media whore wanna be celebrities who are exploiting their innocent children to make $ and going at each other making their divorce a public agenda wasting necessary news airtime that could be covering real crime- (ie… abducted children, missing children, murdered children…. abducted victims, missing victims…. Do the names Morgan Harrington, Madeline McCann, or Laura Garza sound familiar?
Some people felt sorry for Kate when it came out he was cheating and stole money. I don’t condone either scenario, but I also don’t believe in parading your children around on national TV and exposing your private life like it’s the Ringley Brother’s Circus.
I certainly feel for anyone going through a vicious divorce. However, this has happened to many of my friends, and many Jane and John Doe’s I don’t know. We don’t see it on National TV.
All I am saying is, maybe couples should think twice before going on a reality TV show and exposing their private lives. They may be pseudo celebrities now, but they didn’t get the happily ever after. Would they have if they made a different decision? It’s anyone’s guess. For those people reading this who call me judgmental, maybe I am. But I think I am simply raising a valid point.
thank goodness! i thot i was the only one on earth who is FED UP with all of the obsessive media attention being paid to the gosselins!
i wholeheartedly agree: it's NOT healthy for the kids to live their lives in the constant glare of the media spotlight!
I Know- I agree with you. I don't doubt that she loves them and that they are well cared for- but she shouldn't exploit them and use the media as a platform to back her in her divorce, even though I am with her that he's a prick.
They are pinning one against the other in the media and that can't be healthy for the children. Divorces are nasty- but they don't need to be made nastier by duking it out on tv. I mean... really.
I know she says the second the kids don't want to do the show, they are done and I believe her, but why do it in the first place?
They are kids- they don't understand the magnitude of what's going on and are probably impressionable and vulnerable and excited and succumb to all the media exposure.
I fear they will end up like some of the Brady Bunch or full house or growing pains kid- or even worse, Lindsay Lohan in 20 years. Let's hope for the best! Thank you, by the way for being so kind to me last night. I was just beyond so bat shit angry- So angry-the hurt has yet to sink in.
I've been through pure hell in my life. I don't need to have my heart broken anymore. Darling- when is that trip to NY coming? I need a new man on my couch.
believe me, i wish i could go to NYC RIGHT NOW!
but i just can't afford it at this time!
in addition to which i'm going to school at night!
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