I saw this story on the news tonight and I just about vomited my chunky chicken noodle. Wouldn't you? Lest I get blasted by one of my friends on Facebook for speaking out about it, I posted it here instead.
I don't care if these stories are not good for me to listen to. If people like me don't pay attention to these horrible acts of cruelty and do something to implement change, then who else will?
Surely not this dumb as fuck and heartless judge. So the story goes- perp Jospeh Gardner's resume consists of the following:
1) A long criminal rap sheet.
2) Earlier last year (ugh... I FUCKING HATE THIS WORD...) "ALLEGEDLY" accused of raping a six year old child.
3) Released on 10K bail when the prosecution asked for 200 by this idiot ass judge
4) Post bail release, "Allegedly" raped his girlfriend's 3 year old daughter. (Mother did not know he had been accused of rape before and she awoke to her daughter's screams)
5) Now arrested again.
Way to go judge! What is it with these clueless judges who do not know the statistics that child molesters and rapists generally are repeat offenders? Umm... Josef Fritzel? Alex Kelley? HELLO? This just incenses me beyond words and breaks my heart. I hope they throw a lot more than life at him. He deserves it.
needless to say, this dude's crimes are utterly heinous and depraved.
make no mistake about it, he's going to prison for life, becuz not even the best defense attorney in the world will be able to get him off.
in prison he'll have to always look over his shoulder, becuz child molesters and child rapists are despised and targeted by the other inmates.
In my opinion, the death penalty is warrented here, and the judge should be impeached immediately. If I were the Attorney General, he'd be hone already. It's not just the rapist who needs to pay for the loss of this poor little girl's childhood.
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