This story has had my survivor friends in uproar today and emotions all a flying.
Rather than rehash the details of what happened, I thought this excellent article summed up the case extremely well and addresses the facts of this horrific story thoroughly and very articulately raises all that is morally wrong with this case.
What stands out for me the most is the fact that all these Lexus liberals like Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, and Deborah Winger- a woman for heaven’s sake- are rallying around in defense of him and fail to forget, this man drugged and raped a child. I read her testimony. It makes no difference that she wasn’t a virgin before this and had consensual sex before- like so many people have attacked her for. In this day and age, even back then, that unfortunately is not unusual. One having sex before does not mean you can not be raped and bears no relevance to the disgusting acts this vile scumbag forced on a young and vulnerable impressionable kid. I also find it hard to swallow that Anjelica Houston did not know what was going on and the fact that she did NOTHING to protect her, downright deplorable. She's one twisted weirdo. I mean seriously- if you are screwing Jack Nicholson, umm... well, that says it all. I am surprised she didn't watch, much less, join in.
The admission of his crime, along with his celebrity status and bogus plea bargain do not make him above compliance with the law. Neither does the victim’s proclaimed forgiveness. Even if the judge was leaning towards rejecting his plea in lieu of more jail time, Mr. Polanski waived his right to a jury trial, hence leaving any further sentencing in this judge’s discretion. He does not have the right to flee the country and not show up to his sentencing because he fears the judge’s decision will be unfair and fall within the category of legal misconduct, which as argued, probably would have. Judges’ are not always unbiased or fair. That’s life- take it from me, it isn’t always fair. It’s no excuse to skip your hearing when the state mandates you to park your rapist ass there.
Had the judge ruled to give him more jail time, that is something his lawyers could have appealed. The legal system is a bitch. It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I don’t agree with a large percentage of it. But there is a set process of policies and procedures in this country when one pleads guilty to a crime. Being famous does not make you above them.