Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Roman Rapelanski

This story has had my survivor friends in uproar today and emotions all a flying.

Rather than rehash the details of what happened, I thought this excellent article summed up the case extremely well and addresses the facts of this horrific story thoroughly and very articulately raises all that is morally wrong with this case.

What stands out for me the most is the fact that all these Lexus liberals like Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, and Deborah Winger- a woman for heaven’s sake- are rallying around in defense of him and fail to forget, this man drugged and raped a child. I read her testimony. It makes no difference that she wasn’t a virgin before this and had consensual sex before- like so many people have attacked her for. In this day and age, even back then, that unfortunately is not unusual. One having sex before does not mean you can not be raped and bears no relevance to the disgusting acts this vile scumbag forced on a young and vulnerable impressionable kid. I also find it hard to swallow that Anjelica Houston did not know what was going on and the fact that she did NOTHING to protect her, downright deplorable. She's one twisted weirdo. I mean seriously- if you are screwing Jack Nicholson, umm... well, that says it all. I am surprised she didn't watch, much less, join in.

The admission of his crime, along with his celebrity status and bogus plea bargain do not make him above compliance with the law. Neither does the victim’s proclaimed forgiveness. Even if the judge was leaning towards rejecting his plea in lieu of more jail time, Mr. Polanski waived his right to a jury trial, hence leaving any further sentencing in this judge’s discretion. He does not have the right to flee the country and not show up to his sentencing because he fears the judge’s decision will be unfair and fall within the category of legal misconduct, which as argued, probably would have. Judges’ are not always unbiased or fair. That’s life- take it from me, it isn’t always fair. It’s no excuse to skip your hearing when the state mandates you to park your rapist ass there.

Had the judge ruled to give him more jail time, that is something his lawyers could have appealed. The legal system is a bitch. It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I don’t agree with a large percentage of it. But there is a set process of policies and procedures in this country when one pleads guilty to a crime. Being famous does not make you above them.


Friday, September 25, 2009

This is unacceptable to me

This story continues to outrage me. I am really tired of hearing about this chick being "disturbed and troubled." Yet, all of her family claims she's a brilliant angel, genius, and smart. Ya don't say? If you are going to have consensual sex with five boys or how ever many it was in a male dormitory college bathroom... well, me wonders just how freaking smart you can be? Surely, not someone so smart who will graduate summa cum lade from Hofstra. Not that I think these boys were smart either, but it doesn't warrant being falsely accused.

My take on this is that myself included, most people I know have engaged in underage drinking, especially in college. It's not legal, but most peeps I know have done it. That doesn't give someone the right to rape an unconscious victim, nor does it give the right for someone who is conscious but might have been drinking to make up a story that they were raped when they weren't. From the evidence produced that I can gather from what has been reported, she wasn't so drunk that she didn't know what she was doing, nor were the men she falsely accused. It's a no win situation, and sadly, the decision has set a bad precedent for people like me and so many who fight for justice and the truth.

I remember my old ADA telling me once... "Our judicial system is designed to protect its weakest member. In our system, that's not you. You are the alleged victim. He is the accused. He has more rights than you do."

So if heaven forbid RAPE ever happened to me again... Yes, rape... the ugly word, the one everyone cringes from and hides under the covers from... would I come forward after this shit even though I knew I had nothing to hide but the brutal truth?

As a rape survivor, I am ashamed to admit it, but my answer at this one is no, I don't think I would. I know how this fucked up system goes and my gravest fear is that with her lies, she's done tremendous and irreverisable damage to a crime that I equate with murder of one's soul.


Monday, September 21, 2009

What were they all thinking?

It took me awhile and some long contemplation after my outrage at this scandal to say what I have to say about this.

My main conclusion is that false accusers ruin it for those who tell the truth.

That being said, while I think it is terribly wrong to falsely accuse one of rape, which it is clear, after the camera video emerged, she did, I don’t think these boys exercised very good judgment either. One’s sexual preferences are their gig. But if you are going to be so dumb as fuck to do what these boys did, then you are opening the gates for trouble. In this case, the video exonerated them, but I still think the behavior of all of the parties is inexcusable.

I don’t think a consensual sexual romp should land you in jail, but to do it in a public and what is probably a filthy men’s dormitory bathroom? I mean…PLUEZ? What were they thinking? Cleary, with the wrong head.

I don’t like that this woman falsely accused them- but I equally don’t like that these men are being portrayed as choir boys in the media. Guilty of rape… no. Guilty of downright stupidity- YES. The responses in the comment section to this article below annoys me.


Monday, September 14, 2009

I have no words for the murder of Annie Le...

Except that my heart goes out to her family, fiance and freinds. Given how near this college town is to where I grew up, I am grateful I never went to Albertus Magnus College. No offense to Yale or AM students- they are fine educational institutions. But as a Fairfield County Native whose parents wanted me to go to Albertus Magnus- I didn't want to. I was alaramed at the crime rate in New Haven.

Believe it or not, I opted for College at Marymount Manhattan- back in the day, an Upper East side finishing school for girls. Having been exposed to Manhattan as a child to see Broadway, Saint Patrick's Day parades, and all events etc from two parents who grew up there, I never felt safer going to a school that was an hour train ride away from them on Metro North. Manhattan is not without crime or its issues, but I will never regret going to school there.

This murder of this promising student is just beyond my comprehension. It is so senseless and hateful.


Ah- Patrick Swayze

As a ballet dancer, I idolized and worshiped him in Dirty Dancing. I think the times I have seen that movie are tied with Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I had the pleasure of meeting him and his wife Lisa when they would come shop at a dancewear botique I used to manage as my first entry level job out of college. Such lovely and unpretentious people. I will miss him so much.

I hate eating out at Pig and Whistle of all places...

I hate going out to eat with co-workers, as was the case tonight for "Morale boosting dinner." Seriously- Eating out with them is like putting a hot fudge sundae in front of me. It's worse than jail, and what's the point of boosting morale when my higher ups can't put the people who don't lift a finger to help out in their place?

At dinner, I had 2 mini crab cakes and a tortilla chip with spinach and artichoke dip. Best I could do. For supper, I had the cod fish with tomatoes and basil and string beens + a cranberry seltzer. "Oh... Shelly, what did you get, that looks like a healthy meal. No wonder you stay so thin." No one ever says jack shit to Erin the vegetarian who orders a salad because she's a NORMAL WEIGHT. Why can't they just leave me the fuck alone? I don't comment on what they eat. I know they suspect, but my eating disorder and what I put in my mouth is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Who will believe us now?

I hate being wrong. Being wrong is the hardest thing in the world with my stubborn ass Irish genes to admit, but in this case, all the evidence is ruling against my favor. See Link below regarding the Ben Roethlisberger case:

Roethlisberger Accuser's 'Hail Mary' E-Mails, Spoof Resignation Released - Pittsburgh News Story - W

I wanted to believe this girl… I really did. Mainly because I know what it feels like to be telling the truth and have everyone call you a liar, a slut, a whore and you asked for it bitch when it comes to the word no one wants to deal with. RAPE.

I protested against all the people who called this woman these names because I believed her knowing that is what the media and lawyers do to victims. Unfortunately, I was way too quick in my defense of her. Based on the news reports, they uncovered emails sent by her to co workers and friends that proved she was bragging about this sexual encounter with this famous quarterback to beat the band- even proud of it. All the hospitals she was in for her so called nervous breakdown weren’t from a rape, but a break up with some phantom internet soldier lover who never existed in the first place. This story just gets more and more bizarre and this girl is one twisted sister. While nothing has been concluded yet in court and there has been no agreement to any settlement offers, it’s becoming fairly obvious she made it up to extort money from him.

False accusers royally piss me off. The Duke girl, the Kobe girl. Other than the money part as a motive, I really can’t wrap my brain around why a chick would falsely accuse a celebrity of rape when they have traceable evidence like emails they sent boasting about getting laid by one that it was consensual. Come to think of it, I really can’t understand why anyone would make up a false accusation of rape and put themselves in a situation where they have to deal with cops and district attorneys and defense lawyers. Going through that experience was a nightmare I am still living and truly wonder whether or not I will ever wake up from. False accusers fuck things up for the real victims who have the bravery and the courage to come forward and report this barbaric crime. When people like Andrea Mcnulty, Katelyn Faber, (the Kobe accuser) and the Crystal Gail Mangums (Duke accuser) of the world fabricate being raped, well then, who will believe us now?