This story continues to outrage me. I am really tired of hearing about this chick being "disturbed and troubled." Yet, all of her family claims she's a brilliant angel, genius, and smart. Ya don't say? If you are going to have consensual sex with five boys or how ever many it was in a male dormitory college bathroom... well, me wonders just how freaking smart you can be? Surely, not someone so smart who will graduate summa cum lade from Hofstra. Not that I think these boys were smart either, but it doesn't warrant being falsely accused.
My take on this is that myself included, most people I know have engaged in underage drinking, especially in college. It's not legal, but most peeps I know have done it. That doesn't give someone the right to rape an unconscious victim, nor does it give the right for someone who is conscious but might have been drinking to make up a story that they were raped when they weren't. From the evidence produced that I can gather from what has been reported, she wasn't so drunk that she didn't know what she was doing, nor were the men she falsely accused. It's a no win situation, and sadly, the decision has set a bad precedent for people like me and so many who fight for justice and the truth.
I remember my old ADA telling me once... "Our judicial system is designed to protect its weakest member. In our system, that's not you. You are the alleged victim. He is the accused. He has more rights than you do."
So if heaven forbid RAPE ever happened to me again... Yes, rape... the ugly word, the one everyone cringes from and hides under the covers from... would I come forward after this shit even though I knew I had nothing to hide but the brutal truth?
As a rape survivor, I am ashamed to admit it, but my answer at this one is no, I don't think I would. I know how this fucked up system goes and my gravest fear is that with her lies, she's done tremendous and irreverisable damage to a crime that I equate with murder of one's soul.
you made a very candid and realistic observation: "crying wolf" about rape simply serves to discourage and intimidate actual rape victims from coming forward.
as i said on FB, she should be charged with filing a false police report.
Definitely. I think 6 months to a year of a combination of prison and manditory community service at a trauma center so she can see the hell real victims live through every day would be a sufficient compromise. Thanks for reading my post. It was not an easy one for me, but the situation warrented my comments.
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