I hate being wrong. Being wrong is the hardest thing in the world with my stubborn ass Irish genes to admit, but in this case, all the evidence is ruling against my favor. See Link below regarding the Ben Roethlisberger case:
Roethlisberger Accuser's 'Hail Mary' E-Mails, Spoof Resignation Released - Pittsburgh News Story - W
I wanted to believe this girl… I really did. Mainly because I know what it feels like to be telling the truth and have everyone call you a liar, a slut, a whore and you asked for it bitch when it comes to the word no one wants to deal with. RAPE.
I protested against all the people who called this woman these names because I believed her knowing that is what the media and lawyers do to victims. Unfortunately, I was way too quick in my defense of her. Based on the news reports, they uncovered emails sent by her to co workers and friends that proved she was bragging about this sexual encounter with this famous quarterback to beat the band- even proud of it. All the hospitals she was in for her so called nervous breakdown weren’t from a rape, but a break up with some phantom internet soldier lover who never existed in the first place. This story just gets more and more bizarre and this girl is one twisted sister. While nothing has been concluded yet in court and there has been no agreement to any settlement offers, it’s becoming fairly obvious she made it up to extort money from him.
False accusers royally piss me off. The Duke girl, the Kobe girl. Other than the money part as a motive, I really can’t wrap my brain around why a chick would falsely accuse a celebrity of rape when they have traceable evidence like emails they sent boasting about getting laid by one that it was consensual. Come to think of it, I really can’t understand why anyone would make up a false accusation of rape and put themselves in a situation where they have to deal with cops and district attorneys and defense lawyers. Going through that experience was a nightmare I am still living and truly wonder whether or not I will ever wake up from. False accusers fuck things up for the real victims who have the bravery and the courage to come forward and report this barbaric crime. When people like Andrea Mcnulty, Katelyn Faber, (the Kobe accuser) and the Crystal Gail Mangums (Duke accuser) of the world fabricate being raped, well then, who will believe us now?
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