Monday, October 26, 2009

I starved my child, and the Judge let me off. Go Me!

I heard about this case months ago. I really don’t know what to make of it. It appears that for whatever crazy ass reason, the mother was starving her daughter and controlling her food intake due to her own OCD whacked issues, and what I highly suspect, and I do know quite a bit about this, probably an eating disorder of her own.

She claims she knew her daughter was suffering from “psychological problems.” Really? Well if you are intentionally starving your kid to death for whatever asinine reason, umm… yeah, I can see how that can happen. What isn’t clear to me is whether this child developed all these “psychological problems” before her mother started making her wear plastic bags and restricting her diet or after she may have shown symptoms of Anorexia and the mother encouraged and enabled it.

Regardless of the scenario, this poor child eventually starved to death due to her mother’s driven obsessions inflicting them on her own flesh and blood. It’s just downright sick. She comes out and pleads guilty- yep, I assisted in the starvation of my child, and the judge says all righty, an innocent life has been lost. Go volunteer for ANAD and do some time on the couch.

Having been possessed by this evil illness of what I equate with the devil, if I ever have children, despite my own battles with Anorexia, I would do everything I could known to man to make sure that my daughter or son- yes, (Eating Disorders do afflict the male population….) did not fall into the horrible trap that I did. If God forbid they did, I’d give everything I had to help them- not sit back and assist them in their own self destruction.

If ever I become a mother, I will be the one to say- sure, honey, you can have that cupcake or piece of candy. Certainly, not all the time, but I don’t want any future children I may bear to develop the warped thinking patterns of eating disordered behavior. It’s a miserable existence, and this judge's decision, down right egregious.

It goes back to what I have said over and over again about people using their own afflictions or trauma's as excuses for their criminal behavior. I was molested and raped- more than once- as a child and an adult. I don't think it's OK to rape or molest people just because I was and I went through some shit that royally sucked. Having Anorexia royally sucks too, but I am not about to teach my kid how to get it.

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