This story has me heartbroken. But more than heartbroken, like the headline says- Anorexia is a wake up call. I was cringing while reading it. This could be me, or this could be you, to anyone who may be reading this with an eating disorder.
Nobody knows better than me, “just eat” is not as simple as people who are not afflicted with this illness make it and how condescending it can sound. But, “just eat” is what anyone with Anorexia has to do to survive and fight the good fight.
As I mentioned in my very first post on this blog, Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any other mental illness, and the highest among all eating disorders. It is not glamorous like Karl Lagerfeld and Ralph Lauren portray it. It is mind hell, and it kills.
I can not emphasize enough that if you have an eating disorder, seek help. This includes all eating disorders in all categories- Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, and my favorite diagnosis for insurance companies to get around not paying for treatment, “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified”- a very lame ass diagnosis where sufferers may exhibit multiple symptoms of disordered eating, but medically do not fit the diagnostic criteria for a specific one.
You do not have to be bone thin to have a problem. Unfortunately, insurance companies use this as a barrier to cover treatment. An eating disorder is an eating disorder. All types reek havoc on the body. It incenses me that most insurance companies will pay for you to go someplace for thirty days if you drink too much, but if you have a problem with managing one of life’s basic needs for survival, that’s not a disease.
Many insurance companies these days have been successfully sued with class action lawsuits over their failure to provide coverage for eating disorders and there are many ways you can fight to get them to do so. I have several links on here to national organizations for eating disorders whose dedicated staff assist people on these very issues. Anyone reading this in need of more information may post here, and I will do my best to steer you in the right direction.
Glad to have found this blog. I suffer from anorexia and bulimia which has led to kidney failure. Ive had an ed for 27 years and it DOES EFFECT YOUR BODY AFTER AWHILE. gET HELP AS SOON AS U CAN!!!!!!
I am just coming across this post now- I was rather busy these past few weeks. I am so glad you found my blog and am so sorry to hear about your kidney issues. Ugh- Ed is is awful... just terrible. How are you doing now? Do you have a support system? Please let me know what I can do to help if I can be of support or just an ear. I understand.
I am just coming across this post now- I was rather busy these past few weeks. I am so glad you found my blog and am so sorry to hear about your kidney issues. Ugh- Ed is is awful... just terrible. How are you doing now? Do you have a support system? Please let me know what I can do to help if I can be of support or just an ear. I understand.
I will get back to you Michelle. I had a rough day at kidney dialysis. I have got to get to bed because I have a long day at the dentist tomorrow. Yea, I ruined all my teeth because of my bulimia. I had a full mouth reconstruction about 3 years ago and today my front veneer came off so I have to go get a permanent crown. I will email you my story on a day I'm feeling better. Thanks for getting back to me. If you can do anything for me, I would ask you to PRAY for me. I'm only 39 years old and I want to live to see 40. Hugs!!!!!
Lori, I most certainly will pray for you. I hope you are feeling better. I am 35 and have had this since I was thirteen, I am doing better now, but I too struggle every day.
It's not an easy thing to live with but it's important to fight as hard as you can to stay well. I developed tons of health problems from this- most seriously a seizure disorder, so I know what it's like tos struggle. Hang in there!
I will pray for you also Michelle. I think it is GOD that is going to get us thru all of this. I'm off to the dentist for a fun filled day. I am 39 and my ED started when I was 15, so sounds like we have been battling it for about the same number of years. It is really NOT a way to live. This bondage has got to be broken. Have a good day and will write soon.
Ugh, Lori,
I know teethe problems. 2 years ago when I relapsed from my anorexia, I collapsed from a grand mal seizure so bad that I had severe facial and dental injuries- four missing teethe, a broken nose, and lacarated jaw. For the past 18 months, I lived in Doctor's offices getting implants and flippers, and yes, crowns. UGH.
It goes to show you what this disease can do to your body. I developed epilepsy at 21, but they could never figure out why. At that point, even while my weight was normal, the doctor's believed that the only cause they could determine of what started it was the anorexia and while at that point, healthy, the damge from prior years had taken it's toll. They couldn't find any other known medical cause despite many tests.
With medication, the seizures went away and I was weaned off it but at 33, I fell into a bad depression and lost a lot of weight, bringing the seizures on again. It was my wake up call to get my shit together.
It's NOT easy, but it is possible. I am rooting for you.
We'll definitely miss her, principally for her sympathy. Is a real pity that there isn't enough sites like viagra online Center that help people with eating disorders, because by this way, less people will die.
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