My parents met in a bar in NYC in 1967. They were married by 1968 and recently celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary. I am tired of hearing, things were different “back then.” While I don’t agree with my parents on everything, they certainly are not from the stone age. After 40 years, they must be doing something right. So, again, in 2008, why is finding love in Manhattan so complicated? I really don’t think it has to be. My theory is, if you want to be with someone, you will do what it takes. There is no gray area. Maybe I’ve watched too many chick flicks, but this is the only belief I have settled with as a suitable answer.
I recently was dating a guy who worked in finance. When the economy crashed, work became the #1 excuse as to why he couldn’t see me except on Saturdays. I grew suspicious when my friend who works in a bar spotted him having drinks with clients and text messaged me. Ok- not a crime. Maybe he got out early for once. But as a person who makes her livelihood as an executive assistant to investment bankers, I know how hard and how late they work. They still find time to spend with their wives and attend their children’s soccer games and ballet recitals. I manage their calendars.
Two days after he was spotted in my friend’s bar, he went on a business trip to Atlantic City. He was supposed to return Friday night, but instead, I learned much later, met up with a friend and spent the weekend there. How truly busy is he is my thought…and he never told me he was staying and left me hanging on a Saturday night.
In our final discussion late Sunday evening, he was very insincerely apologetic with a “I know, you are right, I should have told you,” response. It was like he didn’t even mean it, he was just trying to appease me and lacked any concept of common courtesy after 4 months and truly had no grasp of any wrong-doing.
Ladies- don’t waste your time! It’s a challenge to sort through the weeds, but persevere. The right one will turn up!
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