I'm in love. The problem is he's too young for me! I am referring to my darling nephew Zachie. At almost two, he is starting to talk and recognize me when I go to my brother's to babysit, as I did last night.
Being in the company of my brother and his son is always an adventure. My brother is extremely obsessive compulsive from everything to his socks to what goes in his kid's mouth. My mother told me this morning that he is concerned he is developing a New York accent and wants to enroll him in speech therapy. Aiye! But All and all, he's a very doting daddy.
My brother was trying to get Zachie to say Michele, but he always calls me Mi Mi. Say Michele, Zachie he orders. Bro- he's 1.5- let him call me Mi Mi if he wants to. Well, I don't want him to get into the habbit of baby talk and use the real words and names for people and things. Dude, he's a baby! Cut him a break. I think big bro could benefit from some Paxil. Just kidding!
As I was laying Zachie down to sleep, he clutched his blanket that I knit him. I said Zachie, who made you that blankie? He rubbed it against his cheek, grinned at me from ear to ear and said... MI MI! Then, he blew me a kiss. It was so endearing, I nearly started crying.
As he continues to mature in childhood, I pray that he will be safe and no one will hurt him.
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