Call me a judgemental bitch, call me cold, call me callous. I am not perfect, and I have my problems. I am the first person on planet Earth who will freely admit that.
But, I just can't find it within myself to have a lot of empathy for Spitzer's Mistress. If you sleep with dogs, you will wake up with fleas. Maybe she didn't know he was Governor- I don't know. But she was still involved in an illegal prostitution ring, and while maybe she doesn't welcome the harassment with the fame that has been linked to her name, I highly doubt she isn't cashing in on the cash of the opportunities of the fame associated with I fucked the Governer of NY.
I understand as a rape survivor how people can sink into very demoralizing behaviors and occupations. But If I were to have been one to have fallen into the sex and porn industry and dared to be caught sleeping w/ a celebrity, I'd donate any cash I earned from all interviews to a survivors cause. It just seems to me she wants her 15 minutes of fame and it's very hard for me to fathom how she could not have possibly known he was the Governer. I am not one to debate my views on polotics... but even I was not that dumb as fuck at 23 to not know who the Govorner of the state I was living in was.
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