This whole thing has me in a tail spin as to what to think, and who’s side to take, but obviously, I lean towards the victim on at least reporting this rat bastard.
The break/up then reconciliation- well… I am not a shrink, but I know this dynamic in Battered Woman Syndrome is not uncommon. It’s just very sad that when you have the financial resources better than anyone to seek professional help, you slam the door and return to an abusive relationship.
My feelings on Chris Brown being charged are divided. Part of me wants to jump up and down and scream and shout Yahoo from the hilltops. The other part of me from my own legal experience knows better and feels bitter. Go ahead- call me I can’t get over it.
My rapist was never prosecuted until a 2nd complaint, and both he and I are just Jane and John Doe’s no one has ever heard of.
My point is- crimes like domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, & incest are UNACCEPTABLE no matter who you are. So many people I have met over the years share my story of feeling let down by our joke of a criminal judicial system. Are the people who are supposed to serve and protect out there for us, or are they out there for who can give them the most headlines and story time to go after celebrities when these crimes are common place amongst common folk every day? I often wonder.
This is not to undermine what Mr. Brown did, but a question to all law enforcement. Are you bringing charges against him because you truly care about his celebrity girlfriend’s well being… or do you care more about boosting your careers? If my boyfriend beat the shit out of me and I didn’t win a Grammy, would you go after him?
If they are charging Chris Brown to set an example that such behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated, (Not that I don’t think they shouldn’t), then maintain the same example by giving equal legal consideration for those of us who fall victim to the same crimes who are not household names and just the average human beings. Point made in the Gospel According to MC.
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