Ok…. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE…. I don’t understand what kind of crazy ass legal system Austria has, but I am just beyond this one. I mean, I thought ours was bad… and it is, but this is just asinine.
Josef Fritzl- or as I like to call him, PURE EVIL just began his trial in Austria yesterday for the enslavement and sexual torture of his daughter, Elisabeth where he held her captive in a dungeon and raped her for 24 years. He also impregnated her with six of his children. How a father could do this to his own daughter is just beyond the sophisticated words even the English major in me can come up with.
But seeing this in a European newspaper this morning reporting on his trial almost made me up chuck my bowl of honey nut cheerios.
Josef Fritzl traumatized over his legal trial and the government is offering him state assisted therapy? I completely and totally understand this logic. He’s the traumatized one, not his daughter or his children who were stripped of their humanity, freedom and their dignity. I also love how he claims that he was abused by his mother as a child. So the fuck what? I was raped when I was 7 and sexually abused as a kid until I was 15. I then was raped again at 28. I don’t have kids, but if I did, would that give me the right to lock them in a dungeon and sexually torture them for 2 decades? Hmmmm… me thinks not. Unfucking believable!!!
1 comment:
VNT- I just saw this comment now.
Your video was very moving and riveting. I have never heard of this vile monster, but thank you for bringing him to my attention.
Such crimes against any race or creed are UNACCCEPTABLE.
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