Sweet Jesus... Reading about this Nasty Divorce between George David and Marie Douglas David just makes my stomach lurch. I mean seriously... whatever their marital indiscretions, he gave her whatever she wanted. She could probably sell that shit and still be just as rich and still be able to afford a Park Avenue Apt- let's not mention it's already been previously agreed in a pre-nup she would get $40mm something, no? And now she wants 100?
Such is a very serious problem in this country called greed. She had a job- she left it to jet set living the good life. What about all the people who have lost them and don't have one through no control of their own? Can't feed their families, can't afford their mortgages? I mean you have Ellen DeGeneres giving away 2 grand at families writing in asking for help due to her fabulous and amazing act of generosity, Ellen's Stimulus package on her talk show.
I seriously wonder whether or not Ms. Countess entered into this marriage because she loved him, or because he could afford to provide her lavish things and if they divorced, she'd immediately get a huge a chunk. He seems like an old ass fart to me. I don't care how rich he is... you'd never find MC servicing him in his bedroom. Umm-he has enough cash to pay prostitutes who won't complain. But, now that it is over... isn't the agreed to amount enough for her? Aiye! And like my friend Liz pointed out, what in the hell is up with her walking around wearing a banana clip? Darling, get your self some fancy diamond barrette's. I haven't worn banana clips since I was in 6th grade- and I am only 2 years younger than this outrageous gold digger. America- where are our prioorties- PLEASE?
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