Ok…. first of all, if I ever pulled a stint like this, I would be the following:
1)Black and blue until I am purple
2)Temporarily on house arrest until my parents shipped my ass to the strictest reform school on the planet till age 18
I am glad this child is safe, but seriously…. parents who invent hot air balloons in their home w/ little boys and haul them out smack in the middle of night to go chase torrential storms and then of all things, advertise their bat shit crazy parenting on the reality show wife swap…..enough said.
He was indeed the devil for worrying everyone to death and fearing for his life and safety. But he’s also a KID. Kids do crazy screwed up things. When I was little, I used to run away from home and worry my parents into a tizzy until a neighbor would find me crying in the middle of the road because I couldn’t remember where I lived and would haul my ass back home. Time out, vacuuming, and washing floors became my new name.
I hope these parents punish this kid and make him take responsibility for his actions, but I also think they need to take a huge chunk for their own.
if this turns out to be a publicity stunt, then it's totally the parents' fault, not the kid's, since they put him up to it!
if it turns out not to be a hoax, then i don't think the kid should be punished--after all, he's only six years old!
Hot air balloon boy- punished at home is what I meant, not legally.
If it was a hoax the parents need to pay the state back at the very least. But they also need to look at what they are doing to their children allowing what they allow to go on in that home and how it jepordizes their children's safety. I mean really... six year old boys- hot air balloons, space ships. Accident waiiting to happen.
totally agree!
Here's a cartoon I recently made regarding Balloon Boy:
Love this cartton Past Expiry!
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