The recent Campari Ads featuring an airbrushed Jessica Alba are really pissing me off for obvious reasons. I won't say much about it because everyone is talking about it and the images speak for themselves, but seriously... no wonder so many girls have eating disorders when they are bombarded with images that this is the ideal of what they should look like. When I worked at Conde Nast, I saw our Art department airbrush celebrity's photos who were already too skinny to begin with all the time. It made me so mad, I wanted to go in there and torch them.
While I certainly think she could have chosen a more normal name for her daughter than Honor Marie, she is a new mother. I don't know any woman who has ever said their body is 100% the same after childbirth. These pictures send the message that a natural and beautiful part of being a woman is not ok.
She looks damn good in the original photo, wish they'd left it alone.
EXACTLY! so much more natural.
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