While forensics are waiting to come back, it appears that Caylee Anthony's remains have most likely been recovered. Bones resembling that of small child most likely a female were found duct taped in a plastic bag less than 1/2 a mile from her home.
This absolutely makes my stomach turn. I know that mother did it. Messaging my friend Liz back and forth after the news story broke, she brought up an interesting point. Were the Grandparents involved? While I will resist from pointing fingers until the evidence is revealed, I am not rejecting the possibility. Casey Anthony lived at home with two retired parents- her father, interestingly, a former cop. Hmmm.... She did not work. She made up a fictitious place of employment. Did her parents not know this?
Unless you are a Manhattan socialite and neither a working or stay at home Mom because you are out shopping at Bergdorf's, Bendel's, and Bloomingdales all day, why the fuck do you need a Nanny? (Another story she invented about having one and reports that the last time she saw her daughter was when she dropped her off there.) And with a three year old child, how is it conceivable her parents never met the "Nanny/babysitter" or whatever the fuck she called them? Even me and my parents know and have met my nephew's Nanny, for Christ's sake. Her father reported he smelled the odor of a dead body in her car. Not something I imagine one would forget working on the police force. Casey and her mother claim it was a rotting left over pizza box. ??? Concealing a dead body that way takes expertise skill. And what further irks the hell out of me is that this child has been missing for 5 months.
What took the police so damn freaking long? What took the police 9 months to find Elizabeth Smart while somewhat disguised, for people not to recognize a girl parading around with 2 Jesus freaks in some kind of gospel garb with her picture plastered all over the world?
Whether or not this body is indeed Caylee, it is still heart breaking that many mothers' murder their innocent children. It is a crime as heinous as I equate with rape. Why have them then? I am not going to debate my feelings on abortion; most of my friends know I don't like it unless under very extreme circumstances, but it is still legal in this country and she was of age to have one if she chose.
What I further don't understand, as Liz also pointed out, why not fess up and cut a deal? She'd serve less time than leaving this in the hands of a jury, as the evidence against her is pretty damning.
The Shawn Hornbecks, Elizabeth Smarts, and Elisabeth Fritzls are the lucky ones who have been able to resume to somewhat of a normal life after sexual assault and abduction. For many children gone missing, this is not usually the case. These families have been truly blessed by the Miracle of God to have their loved ones back.
It just breaks my heart that this is what is looking more and more obvious, not going to be the case for little Caylee.
Oy! Is it wrong that I find it troubling that Mrs. Smart hired the homeless handyman that abducted her daughter? He was literally on the streets and she brings him home to work on the house.
I hate to sit in judgement of others, but letting danger in your door has to carry some consequence and I wonder if Mrs. Smart regrets that choice.
I believe she said she did in the Katie Couric interview. I agree with you though- not a wise move.
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