An acquaintence of mine urged me to join face book. For years, I dug in my heels and said NO- It is so lame, and I don't want to be harassed and contacted.
After much reluctance, I decided to join it. It turns out, it was one of the best moves I ever made, as I have found and come into touch with people who have touched my life in so many ways, but lost communication with over the years.
One friend in particular who knows who she is especially lifted my spirits after a long conversation with her the other night. In a moment of nostalgia, I remembered one very hot summer afternoon when I was feeling lower than low. I don't know if I recall a time when I felt that low and someone was there for me when I needed them as much as she was.
It was July of 1990. We were on a retreat in Rhode Island and I had a total melt down after an intense and horrifying flashabck. The panic and the fear racing through my viens was something even the writer in me can't find the words to describe. She rocked me in her arms while I wept, trembled, and cried. I do not know how I would have survived the rest of that weekend without her. She made me feel safer than anyone who has ever witnessed me through these tramautic disorienting moments which to this day, still haunt me and chill me to my very core.
I tend to be very stubborn at everyone who gives me advice. But joining facebook may have just been the most rewarding thing I ever did.
Thank you, my friend! I love you forever!
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