Here's a doesy. On my way to church Sunday, I accidentally slipped on a piece of garbage. Thankfully, I didn't seize, but, a paramedic who happened to be outside her ambulance having a cigarette saw me and helped me up. Are you ok Miss? Yes, thank you. She sees my medical alert bracelet on my wrist and insists I go to the hospital. I was like what? WHY? Because you have a medical condition and I'd feel more comfortable if you were checked out, come with me. SAY WHAT? I did not have a seizure, I just slipped. I'm fine. It's protocol miss. I am obligated. IT IS NOT PROTOCOL WHEN I AM NOT HURT. Miss, you need to go to the hospital.
I refused. I am not going to the fucking hospital. If you don't, I will call the police. EXCUSE ME??? As I tried to bolt she grabbed me. The more I resisted as I entered into my PTSD flashback marathon of hell, the more physically aggressive she got and the more freaked out and hostile I got because I was having flashbacks. I can get very disoriented during these moments when I don't know my ass from a hole in the wall because I am reliving the sexual torture I was forced to endure. She then accused me of all kinds of shit like being on drugs, which I AM NOT, and called the police and they dragged me to the hospital kicking and screaming. When I got there and text messaged my friend to let her know I was being detained for no good reason and couldn't Altar Serve with her at mass, the paramedic was standing over me on the gurney trying to see what I was typing and if it was about her. What are you writing Ms. Pardon? NONE OF HER FUCKING BUSINESS. They called my parents and accused me of being violent, hostile and resisting police officers. They grabbed me and forced me to do something I didn't want to do when I committed no crime, not a danger to myself, to others, and not injured. Any rape survivor would freak. I mean, DUH?
Once the neurologist declared me perfectly fit to leave because I had no good fucking reason to be there in the first place, I was rip roaring pissed. What right do paramedics and police have to psychologically evaluate me? They aren't shrinks and don't know jack shit about my medical history and why I reacted the way I did. What right do they have to see what I write to my friends. NONE!!! I am so mad I am making a formal complaint against her and I totally went off on the captain of the 19th precinct as to how I was treated. WHAT ASSHOLES. If I have to wear a medical alert bracelet, it may as well be pink Swavorski Crystal, But why wear it if I am going to be discriminated for it every time I trip in this city? This is Manhattan. People trip. How do you all feel about ambulance abuse?
Oh. My. God. That is awful. I don't even have words for this. A few weeks ago, I had a really bad panic attack while driving. I hit the OnStar button and it took them 30 minutes to decide which jurisdiction I was in. The paramedics not only forced me out of my car and to the hospital, they were complete and utter dickheads. No bedside manner, went through my purse and wallet looking for drugs no doubt, and didn't at all offer any help to me whatsoever as any panic attack person will tell you.
I am so sorry for what you went through. Complain all you can!
I am so sorry for your panic attack and your experience as well with these ignorant ASSES. I get them all the time, and they are horrible. I did not have one Sunday until after her behavior towards me became so invasively brutal which then lead to all of the accusations about me being under the influence of something.
Believe you me, I am out for blood on this one. The captain at the 19th heard an earful from me yesterday and I emailed my complaint to the civillian complaint review board.
Your comment made me feel a lot better because it helped me to know that I am not the only one who has experienced this. For days, everyone who knows the story has been skeptical and doubtful of me. But why would someone force you to a hospital if there wasn't anything wrong?
Why was I sexually abused as a child and raped again at 28? Why did Casey anthony and Susan Smith Murder their children? I don't know... people do fucked up evil things. I am not responsible for other people's behavior, only my own, and I stand my ground that until she started acting that way towards me, I was stone cold sober than an ice cube and drug free. Thank you for your support!
that's shitty, I'm sorry it happened.
To say that it was traumatic is putting it mildly!
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