I am unfortunately, a sucker for Lifetime movies- AKA the Man-hater Chanel. Some are just beyond so horribly constructed that they are entertaining on a rainy day. But some, like one surprisingly that I had never seen before, called "A reason to Believe" struck a chord with me.
The long and short of it was about a girl who attended a fraternity party and was raped by a friend of her boyfriend's who was a fellow frat brother. I caught the movie 20 minutes into it and did not understand why the boyfriend never went w/ her to the party but that's besides the point.
The point is, she was raped by her boyfriend's fraternity brother. She said no. She was drunk, but not drunk enough to say "Stop it. NO. You are hurting me."
And of course, when she realizes what happened and reports it, no one stands by her and the college tries to cover it up in their as my friend Liz would say, Mickey Mouse court jury of students on a disciplanry comittee. Call her a whore, a slut, you asked for it.
While I agree that a buddy system should be in tact in these situations, sometimes, people can get carried away under the influence of alcohol. I have back in the day. But, when it is clear that one is not in a position to consent, gentleman should be gentleman. I don't think that this boy was so drunk that he didn't know what he was doing.
While I have my doubts that these kinds of wild and crazy frat parties will ever cease, campus's need to eduacate students on what can happen when no means no.
I don't know what the solution is to this problem. College kids are going to drink, go to parties, and when you designate one who vows not to and fulfills and delivers that promise, offers to see their friend home safe, what if that friend resists and says she is fine when you the sober one knows she is not and fear for her safety? What do you do? Do you drag her back to the dorm? Do you call campus security? What do you do?
So I ask myself, what would Michele Christine do? Michele Christine would do whatever she had to if she could prevent a friend from being at risk for rape, and hope that one day, someday, I saved someone's life from a crime that inflicts so much pain.
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