After the news broke that a judge ruled against the appeal to revoke Bernard Madoff's bail... well... all I can say is that all of my investment bankers and I were utterly shell shocked watching this decision across the MSN TV's.
In my observation of his sly smirk every time I see him on Camera, this man shows no remorse for what he did. It's almost like you can read what he is thinking. I translate it to an explanation of this:
Yep, I did it, Yep, I know I am going to jail... but the money is gone, and I can't do anything about it now. I screwed everyone and now I know I am screwed so let me live my last few months of freedom in my $7mm penthouse on East 64Th because I will most likely die in prison if I don't kill myself first. At least I am trying to cooperate, I confessed, and am trying to work out a deal to avoid a trial.
That is what his attitude says to me... like it's ho hum, and oh well. I am not an attorney, don't particularly care for them, and have a very hard time understanding just why the judge sees no reason to hold him in a cell after his fraudulent crimes.
I guess it is a matter of tracing everything he did in order to successfully indict him on criminal charges which could take the prosecutors months to prove that would render sufficient grounds to remand him to custody. It just really sucks that judges must rely on the diplomacy and guidelines of the law rather than what they know is the obvious. If this were a body missing and not money, he'd be in jail for sure.
I seriously felt on my walk home from 57th & Lex, paying a visit to East 64th and park and hurling a grenade at the top floor. Justice sometimes isn't fair and royally sucks.
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