The sudden death of Jett Travolta is a horrible tragedy. As a person with seizure disorder who suffers from the exact same kind that he did, I know how terribly frightening they can be and how seriously one can injure themselves. In my last one, I fell down four flights of stairs, broke my nose, lacerated my jaw, and had to have four teeth extracted which are still being worked on.
There has been a lot of speculation and reports in the Media about his parents’ beliefs in Scientology, whether or not they stopped his medication, and whether or not he was Autistic. Only the family knows for sure. While I definitely have my opinions on what I have read about this case, I will refrain from expressing them out of respect for the family while they grieve the loss of their son. However, I am leaning towards the belief that his death could have been prevented.
Me too. They took him off his Depakote and didn't experiment with other drugs that may have saved him.
That said, the loss of a child is the most awful grief in the world, so I won't begin to talk about how I think there are parental liabilities here. It's over and done with.
It is sad. I was on depakote at one point. It freaked me out, but all I can do is just comply with my medicine and hope for the best.
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