The recently released tapes of Casey Anthony and her parents of their conversation in jail is really pissing MC off. "No one will let me speak... No one will hear my side..." Oh? What side? Which version? The fake Nanny who is now suing you because she lost her job, credibility and integrity who never existed that you claim took her? "Everything has been taken from me." Oh? What about how you took your daughter from everyone who loved her in a selfish act called BABY MURDER? You can see the story here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation/AP/story/857578.html
I don't understand how this girl if she wants a chance at all is so freaking stupid to be opening her mouth when prison rules mandate all communication from visits to phone conversations are public 411 unless it's your attorney. If I were her attorney, I'd get rid of her because she's so dumb as fuck. If you ask me, he's in it for the fame. I can not believe for a moment he believes she is innocent and is being pretty downright unprofessional by only being involved in this case for the attention and media interviews it will get him to boost his practice. Putting this girl through a trial instead of plea bargaining, as much as that process disgusts me, will be the only thing that will take the death penalty off the table because a jury will convict her in a NY minute. The evidence is just too damning.
No one will let me speak... wa wa wa... Sure we will. Admit you killed your daughter because that's the only thing that will save you from the chair. How sad is it that her daughter will never get the opportunity to live again... to experience childhood, never again smell the flowers, ride her first bike, miss her first day of Kindergarten, and the excitement of her first date? I have no sympathy for Casey Anthony. Her disgusting throw me a pity party because I am a victim too is beyond nauseating.
She's a piece of work. She should get that dumbass attorney of hers to cut her a deal if she knows what's good for her. She is the single oddest human being I can think of right now. UGH!
Yeah- I just said the same thing on yours! Stupid idiot lawyer. No way she won't get the chair.
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