Because I am still well connected in the Fashion World, along with many clients and constituents my firm supports, I am often extended the opportunity to attend events at Fashion Week in NYC.
Nothing more appalled me than the hoopla at the Barbie Show yesterday. That’s right folks- the economy is so bad, that they have to get Mattel toys to back a Barbie themed fashion show which I am sure cost millions. I did not request an invite to the Barbie show because I feel it represents all things wrong- Skinny plastic dolls while humans emulate their images.
I understand the History and popularity of Barbie- I truly do. I in fact collect dolls voraciously, but they are primarily porcelain and the plastic ones, healthy looking,
The insanity of everyone trying to gain access to this show like it was the end of eternity if they didn’t while I patiently sat at the Tresseme do your hair for free freebie observing the circus was making my blood boil. People were waiving their invites…but I have a seat assignment! But I RSVPD!
As I am waiting to get my hair done, I keep hearing all the comments from people behind me who could not get into the show watching it on TV… Oh that’s hot, that’s cool, that’s 60’s Barbie, that’s 80’s Barbie. I grew so mad, that I whipped around infuriated, and I said, point blank to strangers…yeah the clothes are cool… but if you had a little girl, would you bring her to this? They looked at me first shocked, then, were receptive- she has a point. Even Barbie has gotten fatter. Barbie Fatter? What about Barbie looking HEALTHIER? I don’t think I have ever seen a fat Barbie- but I have seen pregnant Barbie from all the children I have baby sat for over the years where you push in her tummy and a plastic “Baby Barbie” pops out. Don’t mean to be blunt, but if we are going to teach kids about reproduction via toys- why not have the baby pop out of the Vagina and explain that sometimes when things go wrong, sometimes, the baby comes out of mommy’s tummy?
The thing that further pissed me off was that all of the “Barbie Models” came out in the final runway walk with their child/children hand in hand… fully made up and wearing poodle skirts
All the while…there is a CFDA booth promoting health and wellness in the tent while models who are at best 100lbs at 5’9 are walking down the runways. I just don’t understand why an industry claiming that they are taking measures-no pun intended- on the skinny squad to stop this- then goes and supports the exact opposite. I guess $ is more important than human life.
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