Ok… I hate to be judgmental, but I am going to be anyway. The story of Erica Desai- Saint John’s University Freshman who was expelled for allegedly using her roommate’s credit card really bothers me. She ran away because she was too ashamed to fess up to her family and then concocted a story to the police in a 911 call claiming she’d been kidnapped. It reminds me of the story of the chick a few years ago who did a similar thing when she got cold feet before she was supposed to tie the knot.
Story is here: http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/local&id=6638253
I understand that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes and that young people often do dumb stupid things. But I think it is a very selfish thing to put your family though horrible worry by making them fear for your safety by running away because you fucked up. It’s not like she was a teenager living at home and being abused.
I also think that with child abduction being such a national epidemic in this country, you should not be allowed to make up false stories of being a victim of a felony crime and not have to face any consequences for it. The police said she won’t be charged. I’m glad she’s safe, but she should at least get something… probation? Community Service? What do you all think?
I'm going to blog about this. I will say that in Erica's culture, the pressure to succeed is overwhelming, so I do understand her panic.
That said, she not only caused worry, she wasted the taxpayer's money and she lied. False reporting is a NO.
Finally, remember the case of Audrey Seiler? She also false reported and said she was raped. I cannot bear this sort of thing.
I agree- but still... she should have some minor consequence in my opinion, but that's just the gospel according to MC.
I think I vaguely recall Audrey Seiler... but the two that royally make me mad are the Katelyn Faber (Kobe accuser) and Crystal Mangum cases. I don't want to pass judgement because only the people who were in those rooms know the truth- but, those two chicas just don't seem quite right in the head to me after all I have read.
I am with you- I just do not understand after my brutal experience in Manhattan criminal court how anyone could delibrately falsely accuse someone of rape and subject themselves to be dragged through the mud by cops, lawyers and da's if they didn't have to be.
I hate to say this because I don't like to discourage anyone from coming forward, but if I knew then what I know now about the abesolute emotional brutality of what rape victims are put through in court, I am not sure I would have.
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