This story is just one that is horrible writing about because it is just so beyond incomprehensible, unconscionable, and just down right pure evil at it's worst.
Austrian Incest victim Elisabeth Fritzl was held hostage in a basement dungeon for nearly 24-years. She was abducted by her father and forced to be his sex slave where she was raped repeatedly by him and fathered 7 of his children- one who died shortly after birth that he burnt in a furnace so no one would discover his crimes.
Anyways, the girl's dip shit clueless mother claimed she had no idea that her husband had abducted their daughter and bought his bullshit story that she ran off in a cult, got pregnant, and left 3 of the kids on the doorstep with a note asking her Mother to raise them saying she wasn't capable of raising them herself. Apparently, the father felt those three were the loudest of the six and feared his heinous actions would be discovered so he concocted this story and the mother bought it. So, three kids were captive downstairs, with Mommy and grandpa, while the other three were raised upstairs with the grandmother.
Let's not mention- this man prior to abducting his daughter had a rape conviction, did time in jail for it, and his wife, Rosemarie Fritzl continued to stay with him. I believe their own family has 7 children. What kind of a mother stays with a man like that and bears his kids with no freaking clue he is at risk for doing the same thing to his own. DUH? History repeated itself. It makes me SO MAD.
What makes me even madder is the fact that now, the mother won money because the Austrian papers used her name and slandered her- something like that... Yet, the court ruled against awarding any compensation to Elisabeth- THE VICTIM... because her case was criminal and a matter of public record. I know she has gotten plenty of money from the government and probably still will after her ordeal to continue to shelter and feed her children, but STILL.... Does this make sense to you? It's outrageous. No amount of money will ever compensate for what she endured, but the fact that they ruled against her in this case and awarded her nothing is infuriating to me. Her name was blasted all over the place too...as are many victims. Personally, I don't view Rosemarie Frizl as a victim. I view her as an enabler in some serious ASS DENIAl. Go ahead, call my judgemental... the gospel according to me will never budge my opinion on this one.
News story posted: http://austriantimes.at/index.php?id=11208
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