Not sure what I make of this one…
As a Fairfield County Native and also a pet lover, my heart goes out to both parties. Both the owner of the chimpanzee Travis, and her neighbor who was severely disfigured by him. You can see the story here:
I have seen and adore the movie Project X w/ Helen Hunt, all about the study of chimpanzees. However, they were trained professionals equipped to deal with exotic animals. I am not sure 70 year olds who take them in as pets are best suited or knowledgeable care givers and question whether or not raising a monkey in your home should be legal. While they are more self sufficient than other pets and have amazing capabilities, they are still animals and can not be held to the same standard as humans. Not that I think some humans always behave as humans should- (i.e- rapists, murders, wife-beaters, etc.,) but you get my point.
I have two cats- one who once injured me very badly because she was scared at the vet’s on a routine nail trim where there had been a dog rescue over night. The barking freaked her out and she scratched me. I ended up with Cat Scratch fever in Cornell for five days. It was awful… but I didn’t feel that a cat in a one time incident where she was traumatized and justifiably so, was good enough reason to abandon. Unlike Travis, my cats do not have the capability to grab my keys, walk out of my apartment and stop Manhattan traffic. When an animal can do this- I think it’s time to legally re-evaluate whether or not a domestic residence is appropriate.
I am sure that it must have been horrible for the owner to have to stab her own pet in attempt to keep them from harming her friend and witness her friend sustaining what are now permanent injuries, as well as seeing her pet shot to death by police, but at the end of the day… the real victim in this tragedy is alive and will have to live with this damage for the rest of her life. 2 missing hands- facial damage… think about it. I am thinking bringing an exotic animal into a home to raise is about as bad judgment as having 14 kids when you have no job or husband and living off disability checks and food stamps.
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