As much as I was shocked to learn of her sudden death, I have to be honest and say that once the shock wore off, it really didn't surprise me.
In recent months, she's gotten thinner and thinner to the point where she looks like a concentration camp victim. Although she vehemently denied having an eating disorder, so did Calista Flockhart, then later admitted she did "have some kind of one" but was very vague. I recognize everyone is entitled to their privacy, but I applaud people like Tracy Gold, the former Ms. America, and Christina Ricci who came out and admitted to having one because I think raising awareness about eating disorders is critical to the problem, as strongly as I feel about raising awareness about sexual assault and domestic violence. Rape is why I have an eating disorder in the first place.
I don't know if she had an eating disorder or to what extent, but after having anorexia for 22 years, it sure as heck looked like she had it to me, but I am trying not to judge. Regardless of whether or not she did or she didn't, she was clearly abnormally underweight, and now reported by her friends as to abusing prescription drugs along with negative body image issues and a serious addiction to plastic surgery. She also was supposedly a diabetic. All of these medical conditions I am sure played it's role, whether she was anorexic or not. When you are popping pills with low body weight, taking flu medicine on top of it, it's going to reek havoc on your body. Same with Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson.
This isn't to judge but a call to physicians that they must after these cases take more responsibility at what they are prescribing to their patients so recklessly. Yes- I know a celeb can get this anywhere, I know they can go to a million physicians and lie about whatever their junk is, but there are things that can be done to regulate the problem- like blood test them to see if there is anything else in their patients systems before they pick up the pen and the pad.
It saddens me to see so many bright talents with such potential fall into this pattern of destructive behavior when they have more financial resources than most Americans to seek treatment. RIP Brittany.