Tuesday, December 29, 2009
How to cope with ED Freakouts during the Holidays
Anyone reading this post with an ED knows precisely how the holiday food hoopla can provoke massive anxiety. I go through it EVERY.FREAKING.YEAR. It does indeed royally fucking suck.
At parties: Michele, did you eat?
At work: Michele, Want a piece of Chocolate?
At home: Michele, what should we have in the house to eat for you? Michele, get off the computer, breakfast time, lunch time, cocktail hour time, dinner time, desert time. No pumpkin pie for you? How about a cookie? How are things going with your nutrtionist, and you need to put on more weight, young lady. Your brothers are worried sick.
So, while after 22 years, I know all these tools to help me cope, I thought I would share them here in hopes it would help anyone else. It's a guide posted by the Nationl Eating Disorders Association on how to get through the food freak outs.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Hooray for Hollywood!
While I always place the blame for violence against another on the perpatrator, when it comes to Tinsel Town and Charlie Sheen, They feed the problem by continuing to employ him on the sitcom- 2.5 Men.
To continue to employ him as the highest paid actor in a sitcom sends the message that violence against women- or heck- violence against anyone, is acceptable.
Charlie Sheen is no stranger to making headlines for these infamous incidents. (ie...Kelly Preston, Denise Richards and now, allegedly, his current wife.)
I know I am going to be read the riot act on being judgemental, but he's been married what... I don't know how many times with public records of such behaviors? I am hard pressed to believe that anyone who enters into a relationship with him is not knowledgeable of his abusive history. Such does not make his victims of his crimes their fault, abuse is never one's fault; but AWARENESS, AWARENESS, AWARENESS, my fellow sisters. Do not let anyone treat you like that. You deserve better than that.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Brittnay Murphy.... so horribly sad
As much as I was shocked to learn of her sudden death, I have to be honest and say that once the shock wore off, it really didn't surprise me.
In recent months, she's gotten thinner and thinner to the point where she looks like a concentration camp victim. Although she vehemently denied having an eating disorder, so did Calista Flockhart, then later admitted she did "have some kind of one" but was very vague. I recognize everyone is entitled to their privacy, but I applaud people like Tracy Gold, the former Ms. America, and Christina Ricci who came out and admitted to having one because I think raising awareness about eating disorders is critical to the problem, as strongly as I feel about raising awareness about sexual assault and domestic violence. Rape is why I have an eating disorder in the first place.
I don't know if she had an eating disorder or to what extent, but after having anorexia for 22 years, it sure as heck looked like she had it to me, but I am trying not to judge. Regardless of whether or not she did or she didn't, she was clearly abnormally underweight, and now reported by her friends as to abusing prescription drugs along with negative body image issues and a serious addiction to plastic surgery. She also was supposedly a diabetic. All of these medical conditions I am sure played it's role, whether she was anorexic or not. When you are popping pills with low body weight, taking flu medicine on top of it, it's going to reek havoc on your body. Same with Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson.
This isn't to judge but a call to physicians that they must after these cases take more responsibility at what they are prescribing to their patients so recklessly. Yes- I know a celeb can get this anywhere, I know they can go to a million physicians and lie about whatever their junk is, but there are things that can be done to regulate the problem- like blood test them to see if there is anything else in their patients systems before they pick up the pen and the pad.
It saddens me to see so many bright talents with such potential fall into this pattern of destructive behavior when they have more financial resources than most Americans to seek treatment. RIP Brittany.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Something Isn't Right Here...
I know I vowed to stay away from criminal cases this pre- holiday weekend, but something about this one just irks me.
I really hate all these bullshit legal terms- "person of interest" "Not a suspect," yet. "Alleged" I know better than anyone how this dialogue goes and the stupid laws as to why news peeps and police must refer to reporting on these matters in this fashion. I simply don't agree with it. I do not subscribe to the idea of innocent until proven guilty. I subscribe to if you are not guilty, then you cooperate and you open your mouth and say what you know to legal authorities. If you have nothing to hide, did nothing wrong, then speak.
Before everyone rants at me that "Mr. Powell" who is now a person of interest in the case of his missing wife has no legal obligation to speak, well you can rest assured... I KNOW THIS.
That doesn't mean I think his lack of cooperation is right. If anything, it makes him look worse.
Do the math... two kids under five- he takes them camping after midnight. They are No show to day care without any clarification as to why, and he and his wife are no shows to work. Umm... HELLO?
Monday, December 7, 2009
I am so over hearing this story- it needs a new word for over.
I really am sick of hearing about this story.
He’s an infamous athlete, women at his feet, and the freaking world at his feet. Of course he’s going to cheat when he has all these bimbos throwing themselves at him.
Ok- I know where this is going… Michele is judgmental… not all rich and famous men cheat. Well… I feel differently about this based on my own observance of people of his caliber. Umm… does Elliot Spitzer or Bill Clinton or John Edwards or Kobe Bryant ring a familiar bell?
More so than their philandering behavior blasted all over the news that angers me is why their wives stay with them. I’d rather take the pre-nuptial agreement cash than put up with this infidelity bullshit, no matter how rich or famous my spouse was. Alas- perhaps this is why I am still single.
Spitzer’s hooker blasting all of Tiger’s lovers on extra tonight? After what she did? Lord help me, PLEASE!
Sorry to all ladies who disagree with me, but this is not behavior I would ever tolerate, no matter what my status in society was. I’d rather be poor and have my self respect, dignity and build a good life for myself then be humiliated in such a fashion, even if that meant I had to sacrifice the I am so sorry jewelry. Cheating, infidelity…forget it Macho Man.
Most men are lucky if they make it past strike one with me with even not as great a betrayal as that. Yep… I know I am bitch. You can say it.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Why does this bother me?
Well, because it does. I, not being famous, not having rich parents, have been detained in the Cornell psych ward after panic attacks on the street, all which if the paramedics had just let me be and come to, would have relieved by themselves. None of these incidents involved overdosing, yet they still kept me there, against my will as a 35 year old adult. If I had parent's as famous and rich as Alexa's, I would have been out of there in a NY minute.
Since I don't, they held me there and made me feel like I was an eternal freak. This girl needs help- her parents, too caught up in their own drama to help her. It is my opinion based on personal experience that she would never have been discharged without her notaritey.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I don't know what to make of this verdict...
I have followed this case for a while and am grappling with, believe her, or not?
I know the legal system in Europe is very different than the United States, but still. Her behavior patterns that night and after the murder appear erratic. I try not to judge how people behave after trauma having gone through enough of my own, and everyone responds differently.
While I recognize that, her whole story is filled with holes and inconsistencies. Maybe she did not kill Meredith Kercher. I don't know.
But I am hard pressed to believe that she does not know who or what went down that night and who is responsible for this murder. Call me judgemental, but I can't believe she or the others involved doesn't know something and aren't talking. She lived with her- the three involved all knew each other.
If she is truly innocent, then her sentence is unfair. But I just have my doubts on this one. She has struck me as uncooperative from the get go.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Our Lives Are Destroyed?
Ok... now REALLY. Seriously...
What in the fuck is up with these quacks? We were invited. Ummm... yeah... to the White House? Where is the invite? Oh no... we were invited via email. That's like me pulling a fast one on my nutritionist. I'm 110... I swear... Really? Get on the scale and then me being so busted.
What gets under my skin about this so much is first off, the media attention this story has generated. I understand it is a serious issue given the security failure and it needs to be addressed, but there are far graver crimes going on in this world. (ie: murder, rape, child abuse, domestic violence, genocide, war.)
Secondly, to give this couple so much airtime and attention only serves to feed their quest for fame and fortune. They are nobodies trying to strike it rich just like the balloon boy family.
Thirdly, when my tax dollars employ the secret service, I think I am entitled to a serious refund after they fucked up so royally.
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