Anyone reading this post with an ED knows precisely how the holiday food hoopla can provoke massive anxiety. I go through it EVERY.FREAKING.YEAR. It does indeed royally fucking suck.
At parties: Michele, did you eat?
At work: Michele, Want a piece of Chocolate?
At home: Michele, what should we have in the house to eat for you? Michele, get off the computer, breakfast time, lunch time, cocktail hour time, dinner time, desert time. No pumpkin pie for you? How about a cookie? How are things going with your nutrtionist, and you need to put on more weight, young lady. Your brothers are worried sick.
So, while after 22 years, I know all these tools to help me cope, I thought I would share them here in hopes it would help anyone else. It's a guide posted by the Nationl Eating Disorders Association on how to get through the food freak outs.
don't be too hard on them! they're just concerned about you!
I know. My friend and her bullshit last night- not very helpful but I ate breakfast and lunch anyway. I don't need bitches like her in my life.
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