While I always place the blame for violence against another on the perpatrator, when it comes to Tinsel Town and Charlie Sheen, They feed the problem by continuing to employ him on the sitcom- 2.5 Men.
To continue to employ him as the highest paid actor in a sitcom sends the message that violence against women- or heck- violence against anyone, is acceptable.
Charlie Sheen is no stranger to making headlines for these infamous incidents. (ie...Kelly Preston, Denise Richards and now, allegedly, his current wife.)
I know I am going to be read the riot act on being judgemental, but he's been married what... I don't know how many times with public records of such behaviors? I am hard pressed to believe that anyone who enters into a relationship with him is not knowledgeable of his abusive history. Such does not make his victims of his crimes their fault, abuse is never one's fault; but AWARENESS, AWARENESS, AWARENESS, my fellow sisters. Do not let anyone treat you like that. You deserve better than that.
initial, uncorroborated reports indicate that charlie threatened his wife with a knife.
if that turns out to be true, then i hope she divorces him, and i also hope that he's charged and prosecuted.
Yeah that's what I heard too. Why CBS doesn't fire him is utterly beyond me... why women marrying him when he has a long history of both substance abuse and domestic violence is even more disturbing to me. What is it with women wanting to date bad boys? I once dated a raging alcoholic and pot head. One time was enough to teach me a lesson... NEVER AGAIN. EVER.
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