Ok... now REALLY. Seriously...
What in the fuck is up with these quacks? We were invited. Ummm... yeah... to the White House? Where is the invite? Oh no... we were invited via email. That's like me pulling a fast one on my nutritionist. I'm 110... I swear... Really? Get on the scale and then me being so busted.
What gets under my skin about this so much is first off, the media attention this story has generated. I understand it is a serious issue given the security failure and it needs to be addressed, but there are far graver crimes going on in this world. (ie: murder, rape, child abuse, domestic violence, genocide, war.)
Secondly, to give this couple so much airtime and attention only serves to feed their quest for fame and fortune. They are nobodies trying to strike it rich just like the balloon boy family.
Thirdly, when my tax dollars employ the secret service, I think I am entitled to a serious refund after they fucked up so royally.
as i said b4, i hope they're fined for trespassing under false pretenses so as to teach them a lesson!
i agree: they had their 15 minutes of fame, now let them go back to obscurity where they belong!
Exactly! I can't wait to meet you when you come to NYC. Me thinks we will get along super well!
did you see my facebook message to you on friday re o'reilly?
No- sorry, I was lammed busy on Friday and not even on it- I must have missed it. Send me via email.
here's the link to the article re o'reilly vs. olbermann that i mentioned earier.
I like O'Rielly- but don't always agree with the man on everything.
He can be harsh, but I think he is fair. He doesn't soft ball the people he interviews. Yeah, I think at times the pinhead comments while may be appropriate to some people he criticizes and are annoying, over-all he is as famous as he is along with Anne Coulter because of their staunch belief in their opinions and not being afraid to voice them.
Not everyone likes his approach, but he's to his credit, laughing to the bank and quite successful, regardless of whether people agree with him. He cleary does his job well, hence he wouldn't have one. I find him entertaining, even. And I dare say- kinda handsome!
And he had the rape survivor Alexa-on his show and endorsed her foundation- It happened to Alexa. I thought that was great. So he does do good things. The link is on my home blog page.
UGh- these freaks, Tiger- I am so fucking tired of hearing about these peeps.
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