I know I vowed to stay away from criminal cases this pre- holiday weekend, but something about this one just irks me.
I really hate all these bullshit legal terms- "person of interest" "Not a suspect," yet. "Alleged" I know better than anyone how this dialogue goes and the stupid laws as to why news peeps and police must refer to reporting on these matters in this fashion. I simply don't agree with it. I do not subscribe to the idea of innocent until proven guilty. I subscribe to if you are not guilty, then you cooperate and you open your mouth and say what you know to legal authorities. If you have nothing to hide, did nothing wrong, then speak.
Before everyone rants at me that "Mr. Powell" who is now a person of interest in the case of his missing wife has no legal obligation to speak, well you can rest assured... I KNOW THIS.
That doesn't mean I think his lack of cooperation is right. If anything, it makes him look worse.
Do the math... two kids under five- he takes them camping after midnight. They are No show to day care without any clarification as to why, and he and his wife are no shows to work. Umm... HELLO?
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