As much as I was shocked to learn of her sudden death, I have to be honest and say that once the shock wore off, it really didn't surprise me.
In recent months, she's gotten thinner and thinner to the point where she looks like a concentration camp victim. Although she vehemently denied having an eating disorder, so did Calista Flockhart, then later admitted she did "have some kind of one" but was very vague. I recognize everyone is entitled to their privacy, but I applaud people like Tracy Gold, the former Ms. America, and Christina Ricci who came out and admitted to having one because I think raising awareness about eating disorders is critical to the problem, as strongly as I feel about raising awareness about sexual assault and domestic violence. Rape is why I have an eating disorder in the first place.
I don't know if she had an eating disorder or to what extent, but after having anorexia for 22 years, it sure as heck looked like she had it to me, but I am trying not to judge. Regardless of whether or not she did or she didn't, she was clearly abnormally underweight, and now reported by her friends as to abusing prescription drugs along with negative body image issues and a serious addiction to plastic surgery. She also was supposedly a diabetic. All of these medical conditions I am sure played it's role, whether she was anorexic or not. When you are popping pills with low body weight, taking flu medicine on top of it, it's going to reek havoc on your body. Same with Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson.
This isn't to judge but a call to physicians that they must after these cases take more responsibility at what they are prescribing to their patients so recklessly. Yes- I know a celeb can get this anywhere, I know they can go to a million physicians and lie about whatever their junk is, but there are things that can be done to regulate the problem- like blood test them to see if there is anything else in their patients systems before they pick up the pen and the pad.
It saddens me to see so many bright talents with such potential fall into this pattern of destructive behavior when they have more financial resources than most Americans to seek treatment. RIP Brittany.
horribly sad indeed. in fact, outright tragic.
why do people with eating disorders deny having it? is there a shame or stigma attached to it?
oh dear- where do I begin...
Anyone with an Ed is going to be defensive about it. People with Eds have distorded body images. Bulimics typically tend to be a normal weight but they still hate their bodies. They eat to stuff their feelings, then feel shame for eating so much they puke. Who want's to admit to the world that they scarf and barf? If they get confronted about always running to the bathroom after meals, you can damn well be sure they are going to be defensive about it.
Anorexics on the other hand are a little different behaviorly... both illness share the charateristics of wanting to be perfect, thin, and the need to be in control. For me, after all my sexual abuse and my rape, controlling what I ate became the only thing I could control. Anorexics also have issues with body distortion. They think they are cows when they are super skinny. Or sometimes they rotate from not seeing it to seeing it, and glorifying in how proud they are that they can be so skinny. It makes you feel supperior to others. It's really fucking twisted, I know. The main problem with anorexics is that they don't want to maintain a normal body weight because they fear it means a loss of control.
And I know at least with me- nothing irritates the shit out of me more than people commenting on my weight or what I eat. Anorexics have a need for control and don't like being told what to do. All my friends know I have it, but I get defensive when they confront me because I feel they often do it publically rather than privately, and also, while I appreciate their concern, it is not their place. They are not my therapist or nutritionist. I get enough ask kicking from them every week. 110... MINIMUM. I'm 105 and 5'7. But that's better than 92 from a year ago. But generally speaking, it's the early ones that deny they have a problem because this illness generally develops so young. It did with me, and I unfortunately had a bad slip up with it later in life. But the reality is, you can get one at any age which is what the research I am aware of is showing to be on the rise in older adults. Men have them too, just not as discussed as much and that needs more addressing.
I don't deny to my close friends it's an issue, and surely my family knows. But the ones who may suspect that I am not ultra friendly with- I don't need to hear it
Reason 1.) I don't like to feel watched and I already have enough self conscious issues with my body.
Reason 2.) As annoying as the comments are, hounding an anorexic even when genuiunely consoncerned about a friend or family member's health, with comments like "OMG... you are so skinny," just fuel the disordered behavior because on the one hand you want to tell them to shut the fuck up, but on the other hand, it gives the anorexic negative attention because then they think "I am skinny... I am cool. I am better than you. I go in depth about this on my first blog entry about the way the anorexic mind thinks.
It's an extremely tough illness to kick- and I am not saying alcoholics or drug addicts don't struggle too, but the relapse with ED rates is the highest amongst mental illnesses because your addiction is one you must consume to live. Watch thin... it will make more sense.
i'm probably gonna watch Thin tomorrow nite.
in fact, i already tested the dvd to make sure that it plays on my dvd player, and it does.
I'm warning you- it's disturbing- but if you want a better insight into Eating Disorders, it's something to watch.
I know you said you are picky and u may not like it. I'll tell you some outcomes of some of the girls stories in the documentary that I have followed but I don't want to spoil it for you.
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