Monday, June 29, 2009

Justice for 1- Not for All

I was relieved to see Bernie Made-off was thrown the harshest sentence possible today.

While I think his crimes were heinous, there are other crimes just as heinous that do not get as much media attention in our crime infested society.

This recent case with this animal child rapist in Oklahoma has me rendered speechless. 1 year for the rape of a five year old child? What the fuck is wrong with this judge?

Oh the girl had conflicting statements- we have no doubt he did it, it's just a matter of being able to prove it in court. She's freaking five and traumatized. HELLO?

Hearing this man's now adult step-daughter speak about the abuse she suffered at the hands of him made me remember my own sexual abuse as a child. The threats, the mind control, the pure fear that someone bigger than you can instill in you when you are being forced to experience acts that are before your time and have no capacity to understand. I was being forced to have sex before I even knew what it was. Of course I was confused.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rest in Peace

What a day it was yesterday. After a lovely evening celebrating with friends for my 35th birthday, I was overcome with sadness at the news of the death of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.

Charlie’s Angels was one of my favorite shows as a child- one of the few my mother would let me watch. I remember the days of climbing on chairs and jumping off them trying to emulate her and Linda Carter. Farrah was very brave in coming forward with her fight against cancer, and I think the criticism of her for doing so has been rather unjust.

As far as Michael goes- I’ve always remained divided. While I enjoy his music, I am not a fan of his personal antics and very much to this day believe he was guilty of molesting children even when acquitted. Nonetheless, he was a very rare talent but troubled soul and was tormented by the media hoopla. Nobody deserves to be harassed like that, and I believe a lot of the attention he received hurt him more than helped.

May these two iconic figures rest in peace and their suffering behind them.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And this is acceptable?

Sorry, but NO... not in my book. This poor girl- Mercedes Mendez was video taped or camera recorded or whatever the fuck you call it these days by a bystander and he watches this girl's pain and angst at the hands of these uncivilized broads, and he is not held legally accountable? This is like the NYPD Case where one cop allegedly raped an incapacitated victim, while his partner, allegedly stood watch.

Yet again, a scenario of violence where no one intervened appropriately yet had every opportunity to just pick up a fucking phone and call 911. I was a teenager once too. I know the stupid petty cat fight shit that goes on between girls. I still go through it with some of my less mature adult friends at soon to be 35 years old, unfortunately.

Regardless- and I don't care who may be cheating on who or what have you- there is NEVER an excuse to behave like this. EVER. And anyone who witnesses someone who is so violently assaulted as this girl was has a moral responsibility to report it and not record it like it's a photo opportunity to promote the local circus. Good for evidence, yes- which is probably what got him a free ride... but good for preventing the physical brutality he could have saved this woman? Not cool for School in the Gospel according to me. Brace yourselves- this is not pleasant.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rape and food = Pleasure! YUMMO

I have heard some pretty egregious comments when it comes to rape, but this one surely takes the cake-pun intended.

If there are two things on this planet that are not my friend, they are the following:

1) Rape
2) Eating Disorders

This woman has 1 point I will give her credit for. Unfortunately, defense lawyers do resort to disgusting victim blaming tactics to defend their rapist scumbag clients implying that their victims experienced pleasure from their violent sexual assaults, that it was consensual, that they were drunk, on drugs, a prostitute... You name it, and I've heard the they were asking for it scenario from other survivors, to cases in the media, smack down to my very own experience and legal case with rape.

But to compare pleasure from over-indulging in food to pleasure from being sexually violated is just not something I can wrap my brain around, and the parallel defies all logic in the Gospel according to moi.

Obesity has just as many serious medical complications as Anorexia and Bulimia. To over-indulge in food consumption or as in my case, under-indulge are both equal forms of abusing a substance, even if the extremes are in opposition.

While over-indulging in food may be a temporary pleasurable fix to cope with or or hide behind emotions, I highly doubt that obese people derive pleasure from the taunts they receive by our society’s obsession and preoccupation with “THIN IS IN.” From personal experience, living with an eating disorder is pure mind torture, and I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. I did not wake up out of bed one day and decide “I think I will just become Anorexic.” Just as I am sure, people who struggle with Obesity/Binge Eating Disorder/ or Bulimia, did not wake up out of bed and say “I think I will just start eating what I want and puking it up, I think I will just start eating whatever suits my fancy, and if I become over weight, who cares?” All of my years in treatment have taught me that many of these illnesses are while not always necessarily the case, often genetically and biologically based- much like alcoholism or drug abuse. That is not to say that behavior modification with a qualified professional can't turn it around, but she need not be so harsh in the manner she addresses people who struggle with eating disorder related issues.

It is also a widely published statistic that victims of sexual assault can experience sexual arousal from a rape. It is not uncommon at all, especially in a fight-or-flight experience. The human body is wired to experience sexual pleasure. This in no way suggests that the victim invited, welcomed, or deserved such a vile and invasive crime to be inflicted upon them.

This woman clearly lacks any understanding of sexual assault and the devastating conditions survivors can develop- Rape Trauma Syndrome, PTSD, etc. She also is not a “Registered Dietitian” and has no official legal license to be counseling anyone what they should be putting in their mouths.

There is a new eating disorder out there referred to as EDNOS- Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified that does not fit the medical criteria for Anorexia or Bulimia- the only two official eating disorders recognized by the DSM-V. Not that I should judge given my own struggles with Anorexia- but a chick who claims to be a “Nutritional Counselor” who “May not eat until after 3:PM” unless she’s had a work out sure as hell seems to me to fit the category for EDNOS or Disordered Eating- no matter what her weight is.