Monday, November 30, 2009

Food, Glorious Food- For some.... For Others, it is HELL

I know somewhere on here I have written about this before, but I am doing so again.

I really freaking hate all the holiday hoopla food crap. EVERY. SINGLE. BLOODY. YEAR.

Want some apple pie, Michele Christine? Umm... no thank you, Auntie, Mommy, Daddy, & brothers. Leave me alone please, and I have eaten what my nutritionsit has said, thank you much.

For those of you reading this who have an eating disorder and understand, you get my drift. BACK OFF ABOUT WHAT I PUT IN MY MOUTH.

For those of you reading this who don't get it...let me explain. We know you care, but you just don't understand. Nothing you say while however well intentioned will make this time of year easiar for us- or easy for us anytime of year. We are going to eat what we want, and what we feel safe and comfortable with. You don't need to tell us, but... it's only 300 calories and no one will notice if you gain 2lbs. We know all of this intellectually, but it doesn't click the same way in our brains as it does yours.

Put some apple pie in front of a bulimic and they can't stop at one slice. Put it in front of an anorexic, and enjoy the freak show after you tell them... just one bite. Would you tell an alcoholic to have just one sip of wine after years of sobriety? Somehow, I doubt it.

For anyone out there who knows someone with an eating disorder, the best thing you can do is be supporitive without the commentary of what the ED afflicted puts in their mouths. Those of us in recovery do our best to nourish ourselves, and it aint easy. So please.... let us eat in peace. The comments make it worse.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If you see something, say something, It's better than staying silent. You could save someone's life and they will thank you for it.

A survivor friend of Mine raised my attention to the recent developments in the case of a Virginia missing college student, Morgan Harrington, in an excellent news article.

Morgan Harrington was supposed to be en route attending a rock concert, but suddenly disappeared and the accounts of what went down as to what happened and why vary. I understand that pending investigation, police can't say much, but it appears more people are shutting up than talking.

Two years ago, I could have died if people had not assisted me in a near fatal accident. My response to this situation is the following, and my prayer, that people learn from it.

This is a very excellent article. But the circumstances haunt me. It seems that something went down that day that made her get stuck and not able to gain re-entry and more people who know what was up with her like her friends aren't talking. Why go to a concert allegedly planned with friends and arrive by yourself? Alleged... How I detest that word. But it unfortunately has to be used in the lienancy of what is the BS of our criminal judicial system, in my opinion.

What is so troublesome to me is that people have reported mutiple accounts of seeing someone hurt and disoriented resembling her descrption and not wanting to get involved. It's like the Richmond case. What is wrong with people? If I ever saw anything like that, I would call for help immediately and report any suspicions to 911- whether I knew the victim or not. I'd give my name and tell the police everything I knew and saw, willingling and with no regrets. At least one person did according to the article. If you have nothing to hide, then talk. This woman is missing, my fear, dead. Her family devastated at her disapearance. It Reminds of the Natalee Holloway Case.

I live in Manhattan and suffer from a seizure disorder. Many times, I have had seizures on the streets of New york despite compliance with all medication. 1 that severely injured me just two days ago in 2007 and nearly cost me my life. Granted, it was a busy time during exiting work rush hour in midtown and people were around to help, but there were other times at random times of day or just a late night trip to the grocery store where I had them. In all instances, people helped and got me to the hospital. Granted, I carry all medical 411 on my wrist, but still. Why can't more people help people in obvious danger because they fear their reputations of their own ass?

That being said, I will never forget the good samiritans who helped me when I was too impaired from a horrible disorder to help myself and not take advantage of me. They know who they are.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Boy did I predict the future on this one...

I knew it. I just knew it was only a matter of time before the God Squad would preach out and about... Alcohol abuse.

This article I came across utterly disgusted me.

Look- I am not condoning tanking it up... but umm, I'd love to see a show of hands of how many of the 80 million friends I have who NEVER EVER drank in high school or college under-age- have never ever drank a few too many even OF AGE. Well, I am here to say that while not proud of it, I have fallen into that category, as have many many of my friends- both male and female. None of them ever raped me. The Richmond High School Victim thought the attacker who lured her into this horrific situation was her friend. Some Friend, says me. As one of my survivor friend's once said about her own attackers: "Alcohol doesn't rape people. People rape people."

I understand that alcohol can lower one's inhibitions, but it is not an excuse to rape someone and a victim who has had too much to drink doesn't deserve to be the culprit of such barbaric behavior.

Furthermore, I hear more often than not stories from survivors about being held responsible for their rapes in situations where there was no alcohol involved. Wearing a too short skirt, being out late at night, as we saw with the Central Park Jogger. I don't care what the case is- nobody deserves to be violated this way. EVER. Rape is rape.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It can happen to anyone

That is all I have to say on the matter. Enough with the criticism of her for not speaking out sooner.

Rape and domestic violence are excruciating to live through, much less talk about. And she had to live her experience with her caliber through the media.

At least she said something. Now, leave her the fuck alone.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What a Cricus- I mean really...

I have heard every argument about this couple to last me a lifetime. She shops too much, travels too much, exploits our kids, etc.

He is a womanizing flirt and dirty rotten scoundrel.

ENOUGH ALREADY of Jon and Kate!!!

If you ask me, I think they are media whore wanna be celebrities who are exploiting their innocent children to make $ and going at each other making their divorce a public agenda wasting necessary news airtime that could be covering real crime- (ie… abducted children, missing children, murdered children…. abducted victims, missing victims…. Do the names Morgan Harrington, Madeline McCann, or Laura Garza sound familiar?

Some people felt sorry for Kate when it came out he was cheating and stole money. I don’t condone either scenario, but I also don’t believe in parading your children around on national TV and exposing your private life like it’s the Ringley Brother’s Circus.

I certainly feel for anyone going through a vicious divorce. However, this has happened to many of my friends, and many Jane and John Doe’s I don’t know. We don’t see it on National TV.

All I am saying is, maybe couples should think twice before going on a reality TV show and exposing their private lives. They may be pseudo celebrities now, but they didn’t get the happily ever after. Would they have if they made a different decision? It’s anyone’s guess. For those people reading this who call me judgmental, maybe I am. But I think I am simply raising a valid point.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Cheers to my friend and supporter Mario for sending me this link for a victim who spoke out on the ludicrous law about sexual assault arbitration in the workplace. As a recovering Republican leaning towards becoming an independent- she said it all. So did Al Franken, though I never thought I'd be finding myself saying that!

Whoever that ignorant congress person was that was featured in the video, and no, I don't really want to know nor did I bother to look it up because people like him who dodge the issue of rape and victim/human rights are not worthy of my time. At least in the Gospel According to MC.