Friday, March 20, 2009

Ecstasy for treatment of PTSD??? Some things just defy all logic, and this is one of them…..

A very close friend of mine who knows how much I suffer from PTSD sent me the above article that was firstly published on Reuters, then MSNBC. I really don’t give a shit whether Reuters was first to run it, then MSNBC or what their contracts or bullshit agreements are with sharing news stories.

I care about responsible and professional journalism, and in the gospel according to MC, this is certainly not an example of one of them. I argued this point with my brother, who was a broadcast journalism major and works for CNN with no success. He said, they were just reporting a story- you don’t have to agree with it.

Maybe so, but I think that using Ecstasy as method of bonding with your therapist to cope with exposure therapy is the following:

1) Dangerous
2) Defeating the purpose of its cathartic intent

Now- I fucking hate exposure therapy- it’s like reliving your worst night mare X2. But, by going through it, it supposedly desensitizes you to things that remind you of and trigger your past trauma. For any of you reading this that has experienced a flashback, you know first hand how terrifying and disorienting one can be. Why add illegal and mind altering drugs to enhance this state? When I am in one, I already feel like I am on drugs. I don’t need any freaking more.

A physician endorsing the use of illegal drugs as a form of therapy violates professional ethics, common sense, and physical safety. It further alters and impairs the patient’s mental state, putting them at risk to possibly be victimized by the provider, or anyone else for that matter. Let’s not forget that a large percentage of rapes have occurred by scumbags who drug women’s drinks with Ecstasy. Need I mention Andrew Luster???

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