Saturday, January 23, 2010

No more frapps for me from the starfucks folks

And no more sausage egg and cheese from Micky D's. On the rare occasions I allow myself to induge in fast food junk, the fast food/coffee houses featured in this heinous story will no longer be graced by my patronage.

Thanks to my friend Liz for alerting me to this story.

I have major problems with how both the media and these corporations themselves blame the victims and brand them as sluts who should know better. Having had sex before at 16 years old does not give your employer carte blanche to sexually harass you.

Young teenagers are impressionable and easy to take advantage of. A 24 year old manager should know that engaging in a sexual relationship with a 16 year old barista is asking for huge trouble. The parent/victim bashing is so typical of what goes on in these types of cases and it really pisses me off. I wanted to smack the Starbucks human resources representative featured in this story. Gee... when you were sixteen, I bet you were perfect. Never smoked a joint, never fooled around, never touched a drop of alcohol. No siree... you were too busy reading your Bible. And as for your role as a parent and instilling positive values in your children, good luck if you think when your kid is 16 they will do everything you taught them. I'm sure Robert Chamber's mother tried her best, and now look at him...

I'm glad this prick went to prison. He deserved it, and starbucks should pay up.

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