Friday, April 24, 2009

I do not have Anorexia

Claims a former Ms. Universe Contestant. I saw these pictures and I about hit the floor. I have had Anorexia since I was 12. I can spot them from the nose bleed section at Yankee Stadium.

I don't mean to be a hypocrite about something so serious, but this is the classic sign of Anorexics... denial, refusal to maintain a normal body weight, and inability see their emaciated appearance. I was that girl. I still struggle with not seeing how thin I look to others, but at least I am in therapy and recognize I have a problem.

I used to think that Kiera Knightly had an eating disorder but now I am inclined to believe her that she doesn't. I don't think she would have the stamina do all those action movies if she were so malnourished, and she's spotted around London eating normally in restaurants all the time- something most people who have eating disorders do not.

This chick I don't believe. Nobody who eats six healthy meals a day looks like this. She's full of shit.

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