Saturday, November 22, 2008

No thank you Tom Tuiti, I don't want any carrot cake...

I was just on the phone with one of my dear friends and venting to her my frustration about people's lack of tact and social ineptness.

Just last week, I was at a pot luck supper event. A friend of mine whom we shall call Tom Tuiti who knows I have anorexia kept harassing me to eat a brownie, a cookie, and some carrot cake in front of everyone. Meanwhile, I am doing the best I can to manage a simple entree w/ four missing teethe and a fake retainer. These situations are uncomfortable enough for me.

I don't give a fuck who in this particular social circle of mine has figured out that I have an eating disorder. It's a disease, not a crime. Whom I chose to confide to about it is my business, and I do not expect those people to publically humilate and expose me.

1.) I would NEVER EVER humiliate someone like that in public on an issue so sensitive and maintain any concern in a private arena.

2.) Don't men know better than to comment on women's weight?

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